EPF Form 10D - Online Apply, Download, & How to Fill

What is EPF Form 10D?

EPF Form 10D is a pension withdrawal form that can be filled out post-retirement either by the member or the nominee. The eligibility to submit the form is that either the member is retired (58 years and above) or has taken early retirement (50+ years, but this comes with a reduced pension at a discount rate of 4% annually).

In case the member has expired, the nominee has to fill out the form and submit it to receive a pension as per eligibility. Employees' Pension Scheme (EPS) offers members various types of pension on permanent disability, widow pension, and pension for nominees. As of 1995, EPS has replaced the Family Pension Scheme (PFS) of 1971.

The pension amount provided to the member as per the Employees Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952 depends on the salary, and the total pensionable service years the member has served. This form can be submitted offline or using the EPF Form 10D Online application on the EPFO portal.

Who Is Eligible to Claim a Pension Through EPF Form 10D?

EPF Form 10D entitles the following people to avail of a pension:

  • The EPF Member
  • Widow or Widower
  • Orphan or Major
  • Guardian of the orphan
  • Nominee
  • Dependent Parents

What Types of Pension Can Be Claimed Under EPF Form 10D?

When claiming a pension, the nominee or member has to understand what type of pension they can avail of or are eligible for. To help make it easy, some of the pensions that one can avail of are listed out below:

  • Superannuation Pension: This is the monthly pension that can be claimed upon retirement at the age of 58 years or later
  • Reduced Pension: This is a monthly pension that can be availed at a discounted rate of 4% per annum for the age of 50 years. Reduced pension is usually opted for by individuals who take early voluntary retirement.
  • Disablement Pension: If the member has to retire earlier due to any health predicament or permanent disability, the disablement pension can be claimed. For this type of pension, the member has to undergo a medical examination and procure proper documents about the disability through the medical staff that EPFO members appoint.
  • Widow or Children Pension: This pension can be availed by the member's direct family member, the widow/widower or children of the member. They can avail of a monthly pension in case of the death of the EPF member.
  • Orphan Pension: This is a monthly pension benefit that the daughter or son can avail of the deceased employee. However, the orphan can avail of this benefit only till the age of 25 years.
  • Nominee Pension: Nominee pension is to be requested after the member's death in case there are no family members or direct claimants. As mentioned in the EPF form, the nominee can get a monthly pension under this benefit.
  • Dependent Parent Pension: A dependent parent or parents can claim a monthly pension in case of the death of the employee. However, they can claim this only if the employee has no family, i.e. spouse, children, or nominee.

Procedure to Claim Pension Under EPF Form 10D

To claim a pension amount using EPF Form 10D, the applicant has to follow the steps below:

  • Visit EPFO Portal and log in using the applicant's UAN number
  • From here, they can click the EPF Withdrawal Form 10D Download option and get the form to be filled out. This EPF Form 10D filled sample copy can be availed for references, and it is 6 pages that need to be duly filled along with the documents required.
  • Once the form is filled out, the EPF Form 10D Filled copy is to be certified by an authorized officer of the establishment. Suppose this officer is not appointed, or the organization has closed down and no longer has anyone to handle these requests. In that case, the form is to be transmitted through any of the following personnel - bank managers, authorized officials appointed by the commissioner, gazetted officers or members of the magistrate's list.
  • The filled-out form with authorized signatures will be submitted to the EPFO regional office. This can be done by visiting the EPFO office or can be submitted online.
  • When submitting the form, the required documents must be enclosed when furnishing the application form.
  • Once the form is submitted, the EPF officer has to validate the details and initiate the process of monthly pension disbursal in the beneficiary account under the Employees Pension Scheme. In case of any issues, the EPF officer will notify you about any requirements or gaps.

How to Fill Out EPF Form 10D?

To fill out EPF Form 10D, you can visit the EPF office and get the form to register for the monthly pension. This form can be claimed by the nominee or a member of the family as well as the EPF member. One can easily download the form using the option EPF Form 10D online apply.

This provision was opened post-COVID-19 since visiting the physical EPF office was not possible during that time. Once you have received the EPF Form 10D, you need to determine the type of pension you would like to avail of (Superannuation Pension / Reduced Pension / Disablement Pension / Widow or Children's Pension / Orphan Pension / Nominee Pension / Dependent Parent Pension).

The applicant has to select the appropriate choice they are eligible for since mistakes can lead to the pension request being rejected. You can only select the option you are eligible for, so make sure you tick the right option and proceed with the form filling.

Next, the applicant has to provide their details, which include:

  • Member's name (in block letters)
  • Sex
  • Martial Status
  • Date of Birth / Age (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Father's Name or Husband's Name

EPF Account Details of the Member, which include:

  • EPF Account Number of UAN
  • RO
  • Office
  • Establishment Code Number
  • Member's Account Number
  • Name and address of the Establishment in which the member was last employed

Next, they also have to provide information about retirement or quitting services, which include:

  • Date of Leaving Service (DD/MM/YYY): here, the applicant has to mention the last working day of the member at the last employed organization
  • Reason for Leaving Services
  • Address of Communication

In case of Reduced Pension (Opted Date for Commencement of Pension)

  • Date
  • Month
  • Year

Option for Commutation of 1/3 of Pension: In case the retired individual wants to avail of 1/3rd of the pension, they have the option to receive 1/3rd of the amount in lump sum capital.

The applicant can choose this option to get 30% of the pension amount in one go and draw the rest of the amount in monthly income. They can choose the suitable option here,

  • Yes
  • No
  • If Yes, Quantum
  • If the option is for lesser commutation, indicate the Quantum % (this cannot be more than 30%)

Option for Return of Capital: This is to be chosen if the applicant wishes to withdraw the entire pension amount in one go.

Nominee Details for Return of Capital

  • Name
  • Relation
  • Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Address

Particulars of the Family

  • Name
  • Date of Birth or Age
  • Relation with the Member
  • In the case of Minor: Guardian Name and Relationship with the member
  • If any child is physically disabled, you need to indicate 'Disabled' below their name
  • Date of Death of Member (if applicable)

Details of Bank Account Opened

  • Name of the Bank
  • Name of the Branch
  • Full Postal Address and PIN code of the Branch
  • Cancelled copy of the bank

If the nominee prefers the claim, they need to indicate the following:

  • Name
  • Relationship with the deceased member

Details of Scheme Certificate already in Possession of the member, if any:

  • Scheme Certificate Received & Enclosed
  • Not Received
  • Not Applicable
  • If Received, Indicate Scheme Certificate Control Number & Authority who issued the Scheme Certificate

If the pension is being withdrawn under EPS 1995, mention the following:

  • PPO Number
  • Issued by RO / SRO
  • Documents Enclosed (as per the instructions)

Applicants also need to certify that:

  • They are not drawing pension under the Employees' Pension Scheme 1995
  • The particulars given in this application are true and correct
  • Date
  • Place
  • The signature or Left-Hand Thumb Impression of the Applicant
  • Signature of the Employer 

Once the form is submitted to the EPFO regional office, all the documents have to be enclosed along with the form. This is important since every detail mentioned in the form will be verified, and in case of any lapse, the officer will reach out or cancel the application.

The disbursement of the pension will happen only once all the information is verified to be correct, and the monthly pension disbursal will take place in the account details of the nominee as provided in the EPF Form 10D.

Employer Section of EPF Form 10D

In addition to the member or applicant form, the employer where the member was previously working also has to provide particular information as part of the EPF Form 10D. This is crucial since the employer doesn't just attest and verify the information provided by the applicant.

It also provides details about the member's salary and pension contribution, determining the amount the applicant will receive as a pension. The information which the employer provides includes:

Particulars About the Wages and Pension Contribution

Includes the particulars of wages and pension contribution for the period of 12 months preceding the date of leaving service, which includes:

  • Year
  • Month
  • Wages: No of days and Amount
  • Pension Contribution Due
  • Details of the period of non-contributory services (if there was no such period, indicate NIL): Year & number of days for which no wages were earned

Certifications From the Establishment

Certification from the appropriate authority at the establishment that the member's information is correct and matches the establishment's records. This includes verification of the following:

  • Documents as given in the instructions
  • Form of descriptive roll and specimens signatures
  • Date
  • Place
  • Signature of Employer or Authorized Official of the Establishment with the seal of the approver mentioning the date and location

Additional Nominees Or Member Additions

For any additional nominee or member to be added to the pension, the duplicate in respect of each person eligible for pension has to be submitted. The information that is required for this includes the following:

  • Name of the Member
  • EPF Account Number
  • Name of Pensioner
  • Father's or Husband's Name
  • Sex
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • Height
  • Personal Marks or Identification
  • Specimens Signature of the Pensioner
  • Left-Hand Thumb Impression Only In Case The Applicant Is Illiterate
  • Place
  • Date
  • Signature & Name of Attesting Authority with Official Seal

What Are the Documents Required to Be Enclosed With EPF Form 10D?

When submitting the EPF Withdrawal Form 10D downloaded online or procured offline, the applicant has also to submit the following documents:

  • Descriptive role of the pensioner along with their signature or thumbprint impression. To be submitted in duplicate for each person eligible for pension
  • Three passport-size photographs of the applicants
  • In case of permanent disablement of the member, the member has to undergo a complete medical examination before the Medical Board appointed by the EPFO body. These documents will have to be duly attached along with the form.
  • The employer has to provide a certificate of work and salary information of the member at the time of their retirement or death. In case the establishment is no longer functional or closed, no authorized person has been designated.The Form 10D application will be transmitted through one of the following authorities - Magistrate's List, Gazetted Officer, Bank Manager, or Any Other Authorized Personnel appointed by the commissioner.

Processing Time for EPF Form 10D?

The entire processing time for settling the pension amount once the EPF Form 10D filled copy is submitted is usually within 30 days from the date of application. In case the commissioner fails to settle the claim without any justification or proper reasoning within the stipulated time frame.

The commissioner should also pay the applicant the penalty as per the law. Since the commissioner is responsible for timely payments of the pension amount, they have to provide proper notification or reasoning for delay, failing which they have to pay the penalty for the delay.


What is EPF Form 10D, and who can claim a pension?

EPF Form 10D is a document provided by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). It is to be submitted to the first claimant, i.e., member or widow/widower, orphan, or nominee, to claim the monthly pension they are eligible for. Under the EPF death claim Form 10D, the following members can apply Widow or Widower, Orphan, Guardian, Nominee, and Dependent Parent.

How can EPF Form 10D application be transmitted?

EPF Form 10D is usually transmitted by the employer where the member worked before retirement or death. However, if the organization is no longer in existence and they have not appointed any authorized person to handle EPF or pension requests.

TheEPF death claim Form 10D is transmitted through any authorities, including Bank Managers, Authorized Officials, Magistrate's List, Gazetted Officers, and others.

Is employer approval necessary for EPS pension?

Yes, the employer needs to verify the details of the family member provided in EPF Form 10D. To do this, the employer or the authorized officer of the establishment provides approval and details of the employee once the EPF Form 10D filled copy is submitted to them.

Can I receive a lump sum amount from the EPS pension?

Yes, the retired individual can withdraw a capital amount in lumps, but it can only be 30% of the pension corpus. The rest will be disbursed monthly in the form of a pension.

Can I claim my 10D pension online?

Yes, applicants can easily apply for EPF Form 10D online. For this, they need to provide the UAN member portal and log in using the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) portal.

Here, they can select the claim option and enter the bank account details, selecting an option like monthly pension or lump sum as per choice. The nominee's details will have to be submitted along with detailed information like address, bank details, documents, and completed EPF Form 10D.

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