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Returns, Safety and Liquidity, how to find sweet spot in this triangle to get optimum returns?


4 min read | Updated on May 23, 2024, 19:40 IST

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It may appear daunting to invest due to the numerous choices people have coupled with the financial jargon. But there is a fundamental idea that all people who want to invest must comprehend and it is the “magic triangle of investing” which gives clarity over the trade-off among three major components such as return on investment, safety or risk level as well as how fast money could be converted into cash when necessary.



The Magic Triangle: Return, Safety, and Liquidity

Imagine three components interconnected with each other one of these three crucial aspects of investing

Return: Investing brings back returns to you. It can be in the form of share dividends, bond interest, or simply the appreciation in the value of security or property. More attractive investments seem more appealing with higher returns; however, generally high returns carry higher risk.
Safety: Safety is the probability of maintaining the value of an investment. It relates to the stability of the investment instrument in terms of volatility. Secure investments are the Treasury Bonds and AAA-rated corporate bonds. These investment options are usually less lucrative but they guarantee that an investor does not make losses.
Liquidity: Liquidity implies how fast one converts his investments into money without affecting its value in the market in any significant way. Stocks for big companies are very liquid because they can be sold easily on the stock exchange. Real estate or rare collections lack quick saleability hence making it difficult for one to liquidate such assets within a shorter period without necessarily affecting their worth.

Balancing the Triangle

The essence of the magic triangle is that you can’t maximise all three aspects simultaneously. Here’s why:

High Return with High Safety: This is almost impossible to achieve. Safe investments like government bonds generally offer lower returns. Conversely, investments that promise high returns, like stocks or cryptocurrencies, come with higher risks.
High Return with High Liquidity: Investments like stocks or mutual funds can be sold quickly and have the potential for high returns. However, they also carry higher risks compared to less volatile, safer investments.
High Safety with High Liquidity: Government bonds and savings accounts are examples of investments that are both safe and liquid. But the trade-off is that they typically offer lower returns.

Personalising Your Investment Strategy

How you prioritise return, safety, and liquidity depends on your personal financial goals and risk tolerance.

  • Conservative Investors: If you are risk-averse, you might prioritise safety and liquidity. Your returns might be lower, but your investments will be more stable. This is ideal for short-term goals or emergency funds where you need quick access to cash.
  • Aggressive Investors: If you’re comfortable with risk and looking for high returns, you might invest in stocks or real estate. These assets have higher potential returns but come with greater risk and potentially lower liquidity.
  • Balanced Investors: Many investors take a middle ground, balancing a mix of stocks (for higher returns) and bonds (for safety). This strategy helps manage risk while still aiming for reasonable returns.
Investor TypeRisk TolerancePrioritizesInvestment FocusIdeal For
ConservativeRisk-averseSafety and LiquiditySafe investments like government bonds, savings accounts, and high-quality corporate bondsShort-term goals, emergency funds
AggressiveComfortable with riskHigh ReturnsStocks, real estate, cryptocurrenciesLong-term growth, high-return potential
BalancedModerateThe mix of Return and SafetyCombination of stocks and bondsLong-term goals with managed risk

Practical Tips for Investors

Understand Your Goals

Define your financial goals. Are you saving for a short-term goal like a vacation, or a long-term goal like retirement?

Assess Your Risk Tolerance

Be honest about how much risk you can handle. High-risk investments can lead to high rewards, but they can also result in significant losses.


Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different asset types to manage risk better.

Monitor and Adjust

Regularly review your investment portfolio and adjust it based on changes in your goals or risk tolerance.

The magic triangle of investing is a helpful framework to guide your investment decisions. By understanding the trade-offs between return, safety, and liquidity, you can make informed choices that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Remember, investing is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. Keep learning, stay informed, and adjust your strategies as needed to navigate the complex yet rewarding world of investing.


About The Author

Upstox News Desk is a team of journalists who passionately cover stock markets, economy, commodities, latest business trends, and personal finance.

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