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Make sure you enter a quantity with a multiple of 750
Exchange Segment Ticker Expiry Option Type Strike Quantity Price

Required margin for this strategy

Span Margin  150,637.50
Exposure Margin  52,132.50
Value At Risk Margin  0.00
Extreme Loss Margin  0.00
Net Premium  0.00
Total Amount Required  202,770.00

How to read the graph

The black line represents your Profit & Loss (PnL) curve. The X-axis shows the price of the underlying and the Y-axis shows your PnL. As you move in price, your PnL changes. Your strategy is profitable when the black line is above zero. You can mouse-over the graph to see the PnL value at each price point.


Ready-made Option Strategies

The safer way to trade in options

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  • Useful in all market trends

  • Higher profit probability with limited risk

  • Free to use and easy execution