IndusInd Bank SMS Banking

Indian customers have been banking with IndusInd Bank since its inception in 1994. Over 2,800 ATMs and more than 2000 branches serve its customers. Several banking options are available to users, including traditional branch visits and online and mobile banking. Because you can conduct your banking whenever and wherever you want, day or night, year-round, it's convenient.

IndusInd Bank

Using the new SMS Financial Service, Indian Bank offers clients the ability to conduct a wide range of banking transactions on their mobile phones, saving them time and effort.

With their convenient SMS Banking Service, customers can always be in control of their bank account from anywhere in the world since they can access their account information from anywhere in the world. You won't have any trouble using IndusInd Bank SMS Banking.
To use the IndusInd SMS Banking Service, users must have an existing bank account associated with their mobile number. To add your mobile number to your IndusInd Bank account, go to any branch and inquire.

The client only needs to send an SMS with the specific request they wish to execute, and they will receive an immediate response to their mobile phone.



IndusInd Bank
Official Site
Customer Care numbers 18602677777, 02268577777, 02244066666, 02242207777
Email Id(for complaints)

SMS Banking Services Offered by IndusInd Bank

IndusInd Bank's SMS feature gives its customers greater independence and access to additional benefits through sending a text message from the mobile number associated with their accounts.

Through SMS banking, users can generate an MMID, view their account balance, and review recent transactions. In addition, SMS Banking allows users to recharge their mobile phones, DTH subscriptions, or internet connections.

Using one of the predetermined codes, you can send a message to your IndusInd Bank account number to gain access to your Account by SMS. Since you don't have to go to an IndusInd Bank office or even log into Net banking, which requires internet access, the procedure is easier and faster.

The following are some of the things you can do with SMS Banking from your cell phone. Send your message and the specified keywords with your registered SMS Banking number to 92122 99955.

Service Type

SMS format/Syntax/Keyword


Check Account Balance BAL BAL
Check the Last three transactions MINI MINI
Recharge Own-Mobile number* MYREC< Space>RECHARGE AMOUNT< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF DEBIT CARD MYREC 150 5398
Meaning: Rs. 100 own-mobile recharge if debit card no. is xxxx xxxx xxxx 5398
Recharge another mobile number MOB<Space>10-DIGIT MOBILE NUMBER <Space>TELECOM OPERATOR NAME<Space>RECHARGE AMT<Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF DEBIT CARD MOB 8958597819 IDEA 500 5398
Meaning: Rs. 500 recharge for Idea mobile number 8958597819 if debit card number is xxxx xxxx xxxx 5398
Recharge DTH connection DTH<Space>SUBSCRIBER ID<Space>OPERATOR NAME<Space>RECHARGE AMT<Space> Last 4 digits of debit card DTH 54321 AIRTELTV 1000 5398
Meaning: Rs. 1000 recharge for AirtelTV subscriber ID 54321 if debit card no. is xxxx xxxx xxxx 5398

The above table is only valid for IndusInd Bank accounts linked to mobile phones.

Please use the mobile number associated with your IndusInd Bank account for all requests. If there are multiple accounts with IndusInd Bank, the last opened Account will be considered for all requests.

List and Keywords of Mobile Recharge Operators

Mobile Recharge Operator Name Keyword for SMS

List and Keywords of DTH Recharge Operators

DTH Recharge Operator Name Keyword for Operator

IndusInd's SMS Banking Features

The Main SMS Banking Features of IndusInd Bank can be depicted as follows:

  • Updating the balance on a daily basis.
  • The Account will receive transaction-based alerts when debits and credits are made into the Account.
  • Messages indicating 'success' related to Standing Instructions.
  • By sending keywords such as 'TXN' or 'BAL' or parameters to 5676757, you can pull* a message through this service.
  • There will be a 3-day notice sent to the customers before the maturity date of the deal.
  • This extends to broadcasts as well.

*It should be noted that the PULL message charge, as applicable, will be applied by the service provider to the customer. PUSH message charges and broadcast charges are not applied.

Benefits of IndusInd's SMS Banking

There are several benefits of using IndusInd Bank SMS Banking, some of those are as follows:

  • It saves you a lot of time and effort.
  • The convenience of banking while on the move is at your fingertips.
  • The information about your bank account transaction will be delivered to you in an automated manner.
  • On your mobile phone, you can get regular updates on your bank account as and when any transaction is taken place in your Account.
  • You do not have to visit the branch/bank ATM to check your account balance or make a call.
  • The registration process is straightforward.
  • There is no charge for PUSH messages or broadcasts.
  • Banking fraud/swindling activities can be alerted to you through instant notifications.

Request Regarding Banking Account

Applicants can submit product applications and service inquiries at any branch of the Bank, via the internet, or by calling the contact center. The Bank also offers an SMS-based channel for collecting requests, in addition to the previously mentioned channels, to make this process even more convenient.

By SMS, you can request any of the services below from your registered phone number.

With these keywords, you can request a duplicate statement, FD advice, add-on card, or TDS certificate, request a credit card, credit, or home loan, group your accounts, create new ones, or file a complaint about your banking account.

By SMS, you can request any of the services below from your registered phone number.

Send the following SMS keywords to 567677

Request Type Syntax/Keyword Example
Induslnd Bank Duplicate Statement Request STMT< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NUMBER STMT 5398
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 5398
Induslnd Bank Duplicate FD advice request DFD< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF FD NO. DFD 2996
If FD no. is xxxx xxxx 2996
ADD on card request (Induslnd Bank) ADD ON< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NUMBER ADD ON 1194
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 1194
TDS certificate request (Induslnd Bank) TDS<Space>PAN NUMBER<Space>QUARTERFY TDS ABCDE4321F Q2FY2021
If PAN is ABCDE4321F
Apply for Home Loan in Induslnd Bank HL< Space>LAST FOUR DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NO. HL 51194
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 1194
Apply for Induslnd Bank Credit Card CC<Space>LAST FOUR DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NO. CC 1194
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 1194
Apply for Induslnd Bank FD FD< Space>LAST FOUR DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NO. FD 1194
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 1194
Apply for Account Grouping (Induslnd Bank) GROUP A/C<Space>LAST FOUR DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NO. GROUP A/C 5398
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 5398
Apply for a New Induslnd Bank Account New Acc< Space>LAST FOUR DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NO. New Acc 5398
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 5398
Apply for Induslnd Bank E-Locker Elocker< Space>LAST FOUR DIGITS OF ACCOUNT NO. ELOCKER 5398
If Account no. is xxxx xxxx 5398
Lodge an Induslnd Bank complaint COMPLAINT COMPLAINT
Help with the above SMS keywords HELP HELP

Additional Information about IndusInd Bank

Send an SMS with the specified keyword to the SMS Banking number to receive or submit additional information related to your IndusInd Bank Account.

Send the following SMS keywords to 567677

Request Type Syntax/Keyword Example
Link your Aadhar no. to your Induslnd Bank Account no. SEED< Space>12 DIGIT INDUSIND ACCOUNT NUMBER< Space>12 DIGIT AADHAR NUMBER SEED 135792468101 521516573201
If Account no. is 123456789012 and Aadhar no. is 521516573201
DBTL – LPG seeding through SMS DBTL< Space>12 DIGIT INDUSIND ACCOUNT NUMBER< Space>17 DIGIT LPG ID DBTL 135792468101 43214321432143214
If Account no. is 135792468101 and LPG ID is 43214321432143214
PMJJBY – New PMJJBY enrolment PMJJBY< Space>YES<Space>NOMINEE NAME PMJJBY YES Rajendra Shetty
If Nominee's name is Rajendra Shetty
PMSBY – New PMSBY enrolment PMSBY<Space>YES<Space>NOMINEE NAME PMSBY YES Rajendra Shetty
If Nominee's name is Rajendra Shetty

Check your IndusInd Bank balance via SMS

To obtain your primary account balance information, type 'BAL' in SMS and send it to 9212299955.

You should send this SMS from your registered mobile number. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to check your IndusInd Bank balance SMS:

  1. IndusInd Bank Balance Enquiry SMS is available through the phone number 9212299955.
  2. Enter the code "BAL" in your registered mobile number.
  3. Feel free to send it to 9212299955.
  4. IndusInd Bank will send your Account balance via SMS to your registered mobile number. Standard SMS charges may apply.

As an example, SMS <BAL> to 9212299955.

Check your IndusInd Bank Mini Statement via SMS

To obtain your primary account mini statement, type 'MINI' in SMS and send it to 9212299955.

You should send this SMS from your registered mobile number. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to check your IndusInd Bank mini statement using SMS:

  1. IndusInd Bank Mini Statement is available through the phone number 9212299955.
  2. Enter the code "MINI" in your registered mobile number.
  3. Feel free to send it to 9212299955.
  4. IndusInd Bank will send your Mini Statement via SMS to your registered mobile number. Standard SMS charges may apply.

As an example, SMS <MINI> to 9212299955.

Check your IndusInd Credit Card Balance via SMS

To obtain your Credit Card Balance, type 'STMT" then give Space before entering the last four-digit credit card number in SMS and send it to 5676757.

Following is a step-by-step guide that will show you how to use SMS service:

  1. IndusInd Bank Credit Card Balance is available through the phone number 5676757.
  2. It is as simple as entering the code "STMT" in your registered mobile number and leaving a space before entering your last 4-digit credit card number to proceed.
  3. Feel free to send it to 5676757.
  4. IndusInd Bank will send your Credit Card Balance via SMS to your registered mobile number. Standard SMS charges may apply.

As an example, SMS STMT< Space>9815 to 5676757. Here, 9815 is the last 4 digits of the credit card number.

Other Information about IndusInd Bank Credit Cards

By using IndusAlerts, you can obtain information about your credit card account. This includes your credit limit, reward points, and most recent statement information, including your total amount due, minimum due, and payment due date.

In addition, you can request an IVR OTP and receive your most recent statement in an email or text message.

Send an SMS with the specified keyword to the SMS Banking number to receive or submit other information related to your IndusInd Bank Credit Card Account.

Send the following SMS keywords to 567677

Request Type Syntax/Keyword Example
Induslnd Credit Card Available Credit Limit BALE< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF THE CREDIT CARD NUMBER BALE 9815
  If the last 4 digits of the credit card number are 9815
Induslnd Credit Card Latest Reward Points Balance RBALE< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF THE CREDIT CARD NUMBER RBALE 9815
If the last 4 digits of the credit card number are 9815
Induslnd Credit Card Latest Statement by Email ESMT< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF THE CREDIT CARD NUMBER ESMT 9815
If the last 4 digits of the credit card number are 9815
Induslnd Credit Card Block Your Credit Card BLOCK< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF THE CREDIT CARD NUMBER BLOCK 9815
If the last 4 digits of the credit card number are 9815
Induslnd Credit Card IVR OTP for your Primary Credit Card OTPC< Space>LAST 4 DIGITS OF THE CREDIT CARD NUMBER OTPC 9815
If the last 4 digits of the credit card number are 9815

Note: It is necessary to meet the following requirements before using IndusAlerts:

  • It is an active credit card issued by IndusInd Bank
  • The mobile number associated with the IndusInd Bank

IndusInd SMS Banking: Do's

  1. Make sure you secure your mobile phone with a unique password, which should be kept private so that no one else can access it.
  2. Be sure to choose a password that contains a mix of alphanumeric and special characters to create a strong password.
  3. To ensure your password is safe, it is recommended that you change it frequently.
  4. If your phone is stolen or lost, you must report the incident to your Bank and the nearest police station as soon as possible.
  5. You must pay attention to all the communication you receive from the Bank to avoid any problems.

IndusInd SMS Banking: Dont's

  1. You should avoid changing your contact details without informing the Bank about the change.
  2. Don't fall victim to hoax calls, SMS messages, or emails.
  3. It would be best never to use shared networks like public Wi-Fi when conducting banking transactions.
  4. Take proper care of your phone, and don't lose it.
  5. Be careful not to follow any link that you come across.

SMS Banking Charges at IndusInd Bank

Customers are welcome to use SMS Banking at no cost to them. However, mobile operators will charge you for sending messages to the customer's phone number depending on your plan.

The Bottom Line

As smartphones become increasingly widespread, customers may rely on them to access financial services and manage their money. Consequently, they can be utilized to provide timely financial data or to facilitate decision-making.

Short message service (SMS) banking has risen more in the last year, and this trend is expected to continue with the growing number of mobile phone owners. The use of mobile phones to check balances and make payments is relatively new, but it is becoming increasingly popular with customers.

IndusInd Bank Limited is one of the newest private sector banks in India. The Bank has over 2.5 crore customers, over 5,000 distribution sites, and about 2,000 branches, making it one of the largest banks in the country. In addition to catering to both consumers and businesses, they offer a comprehensive range of goods and services that emphasize "Sustainability."

Thus, you should follow the steps mentioned above to take advantage of IndusInd Bank's SMS Banking service.


Does IndusInd Bank Allow Fund Transfers Via SMS Banking?

Current information from IndusInd Bank does not indicate the availability of fund transfers through SMS banking. At this time, customers can only perform balance checks, and mobile recharges.

Why Does The IndusInd Bank SMS Code Not Work?

An SMS banking transaction with IndusInd Bank is relatively straightforward as long as your mobile number has not been registered or your network provider has enabled DND service. The customer can also check whether the number sent to IndusInd Bank is current.

Are Mobile Banking And SMS Banking The Same Thing?

'SMS banking' is a form of mobile banking. Some financial institutions offer an SMS messaging service that allows customers to conduct some financial transactions via SMS. It enables them to send messages (also known as notifications or alerts) to their mobile phones.

Can SMS Banking Be Trusted?

Hackers can infect devices with malware depending on how well-informed and cautious you are. It's easier to get scammed than you think, and the key to defense is knowledge. It's safe to download the official banking app, update it constantly, use a VPN on public Wi-Fi, and keep your phone close.

What Are the Ways to Register For SMS Banking?

  1. Send an SMS or call the Bank's phone banking number to activate the service.
  2. By Visiting your local branch to register.
  3. You can activate the service at an ATM kiosk using your credit/debit card.

You can activate the services through net banking.

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