How to manage your referrals in Keystone

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Upstox believes in offering an effortless and seamless user interface and this isn’t limited to just trading. You can expect the same ease for your referral earnings too! Here is all you need to know about checking your referral amount, withdrawing,  and managing it too. 


  1. Visit www.



  1. Click on Sign in and select Pro Web 




  1. Enter your Username (UCC) and password and click on login


  1. Enter your year of birth



  1. Go to Reports in the menu that appears below your name. You will be redirected to Remember, you can also directly login into keystone by visiting



  1. Login into 

Your Client ID is your Username (UCC) 

Your password: is your PAN no. in capital letters in case you hadn’t set it earlier

Password Example: ABCDE1234A 



  1. Go to referral centre and click on ‘My referred customers’



  1. Here, you will see a list of all successful referrals (Note: these are referrals that have successfully completed the Upstox account opening process)




  1. Go to Accounts > Withdrawal History to check previously successful withdrawals


  1. Select the time period to review withdrawal history


  1. Go to Account and click on Withdrawal request to raise a new withdrawal request


  1. Click on New request to withdraw the amount


  1. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw, and remarks, if any. Then click on submit


  1. You will be notified about a request being successfully placed. This  is what you will see when your request for withdrawal has been successful

  2. The new withdrawal request that you just raised will be seen as an open request

And that’s how easy it is to manage your referrals and earnings through Keystone with Upstox.

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