January Updates - Happy New Year! Earn up to Rs. 7000!

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January 2015 Updates

We would like to wish you a great, prosperous, and Happy New Year on behalf of everybody at RKSV.
It is RKSV's 3rd anniversary, which also happens to the start of a brand new year.

It is hard to believe that RKSV is three years old! We launched RKSV with the intention of bringing down brokerage rates tremendously. In January of 2012, things were a little different. The concept of "discount" or "low-cost" brokerage was very new. It took us a lot of time to win the trust and appreciation of getting clients to "switch" over from other brokers to RKSV. After all, when your money is on the line, you want to be in safe hands.

We understood that. But now, three years later, we are close to averaging 5000 Cr. of turnover volume daily. We are profitable, have a tremendous Pan-India customer base, and have 70+ employees. None of us could have expected us to be where we stand today!

And so, in order to usher in the year, we thought about what we could do to reward our customers as well as entice new customers to join? And here is what we have come up with!

RKSV Customers: Earn up to Rs. 7000 and win a free RKSV T-Shirt

If you are an RKSV customer, you will be receiving an email today about an exciting opportunity to earn up to Rs. 7000 in gift vouchers with details. We also want to reward you with a New Year's gift by gifting you an RKSV T-Shirt at the size you specify. Check your email today for details and stay tuned!

Non-RKSV Customers: Early Bird Special! Earn Rs. 2000 by Switching over to RKSV

We know that there are a lot of brokers out there, and getting one to switch over to RKSV has never been easy! Some "full service" brokers claim to offer services that we cannot. We think that is absurd!

Therefore, we are launching the "Early Bird Special- Switch Over Plan". It's very simple- the first 1000 customers that switch over to RKSV this month will receive Rs. 2000 in brokerage credit. No questions asked! All you need to do is provide a contract note that shows that you have traded with a broker sometime within the last 3 months.

Reduced Rates

From yesterday onward, we ushered in the new year by lowering transaction costs on two of the most widely traded segments among our customers: NSE Options and MCX Futures.

  • On NSE Options, we have reduced the transaction charges from Rs. 5900/Crore to Rs. 5500/Crore
  • On MCX Futures, we have reduced the transaction charges from Rs. 360/Crore to Rs. 260/Crore

We hope that through reduced transaction costs, your break-evens will be even lower.

Contact Us!

If you're an RKSV customer and want to claim your T-Shirt and perhaps earn up to Rs. 7000 in gift vouchers, we will be sending you an email today with exact details. So keep a lookout for emails from RKSV.

And if you're not an RKSV customer yet but are trading with another broker, contact us- and we'll tell you how you can get started with RKSV right away with Rs. 2000 in your brokerage account.

We would like to apologize for prematurely setting timelines for when our in-house, proprietary software would be launched. We can only tell you this: we are meticulously working on it. The same applies to Trade Academy- our in house, online, HD quality videos, education initiative. It is a little easy to release something in text- but when you’re talking about producing content that anyone and everybody can watch and learn from in an easy to use manner, it takes time. We are just about ready to launch Trade Academy in Beta Mode- but this time, we don’t want to stamp a expected date. Just have faith that RKSV is working hard to get it to you, free of cost, as soon as possible- bug free 🙂

Once again, Happy New Year- and may 2015 be an incredible, happy and prosperous year for you!


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