4000 Reasons to Switch to India's Leading Broker

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We bet you liked the title!

In the past we ran a Rs. 2000 Switchover plan. The idea was simple: if you switched over from another broker (by providing a contract note), your account was automatically credited with Rs. 2000 to start with.

The response was tremendous! 

And so, to continue our long lasting tradition of being the only brokerage firm in India to (probably) unnecessarily give way too many freebies to our customers, we're going to do what we do best. We're doubling up.

That's right: if you switch over from another broker and join the Dream Plan, we will credit you with Rs. 4000 right away. 

No questions asked. Zero account opening fees. No catches.

Seriously, it does not get better than this.

If you're trading with any other broker, you have nothing to lose! Just send us a contract note and get a free account opened up with Rs. 4000 credited.

You literally have nothing to lose, but 4000 reasons to win 😉

P.S. If you're already an Upstox customer, tell your friends about this once in a lifetime deal. It's the greatest way for you to refer your friends (remember, you get 10% referral credit for life from all friends you refer to Upstox).

Happy trading!


Loved & Trusted by 1cr+ Indians!