Brokerage Charges

List of everything you may be charged at Upstox.

Account Maintenance Charges
(No account maintenance charges for first year)
On Mutual Funds and IPOs
Maximum brokerage per order

*By signing up you agree to our Terms and Conditions

Transparent pricing and No hidden charges

When you place an order on Upstox, here’s what you’ll be charged:


Upstox Charges

Fees charged by Upstox
Equity Delivery Equity Intraday Equity Futures Equity Options


per executed order
₹20 per executed order or 0.1% (whichever is lower) ₹20 per executed order or 0.05% (whichever is lower) Flat ₹20 per executed order.

Statutory Charges

Taxes and Fees by the Government of India
Equity Delivery Equity Intraday Equity Futures Equity Options

STT/CTT (From 1st April 2023)

0.1% on buy & sell 0.025% on the sell side 0.0125% on sell-side 0.0625% on sell side (on premium)

STT/CTT (From 1st October 2024)

0.1% on buy & sell 0.025% on the sell side 0.02% on sell-side 0.1% on sell side (on premium)


18% (on brokerage + transaction + demat charges) 18% (on brokerage + transaction charges) 18% (on brokerage + transaction charges) 18% (on brokerage + transaction charges)

Stamp Duty

0.015% or ₹1500 / crore on buy side 0.003% or ₹300 / crore on buy side 0.002% or ₹200 / crore on buy side 0.003% or ₹300 / crore on buy side

Exchange Fees

Fees Charged by either NSE (National Stock Exchange) or BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange)
Equity Delivery Equity Intraday Equity Futures Equity Options

Transaction charges (From 1st April 2024 to 30th September 2024)

0.00322% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group
0.00322% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group
Exchange turnover charge: 0.00188%

0.0495% (on premium)

0.0495% (on premium)

Transaction charges (From 1st October 2024)

0.00297% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group
0.00297% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group
Exchange turnover charge: 0.00173%

0.03503% (on premium)

0.0325% (on premium)

Demat transaction charges

Fees Charged by CDSL (Central Depository Services Limited) & Upstox
Equity Delivery Equity Intraday Equity Futures Equity Options

DP Charges

₹ 20.0 per scrip per day only on sell No charges No charges No charges


Fees Charged by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
Equity Delivery Equity Intraday Equity Futures Equity Options

SEBI Charges

₹10/crore ₹10/crore ₹10/crore ₹10/crore

Upstox Charges

Fees charged by Upstox
Currency Futures Currency Options


₹20 per executed order or 0.05%

(whichever is lower).
Flat ₹20 per executed order.

Statutory Charges

Taxes and Fees by the Government of India
Currency Futures Currency Options




18% ( on brokerage+transaction charges) 18% (on brokerage+transaction charges)

Stamp Duty

0.0001% or Rs 10 per crore on buy-side 0.0001% or Rs 10 per crore on buy-side

Exchange Fees

Fees Charged by either NSE (National Stock Exchange) or BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange)
Currency Futures Currency Options

Transaction Charges


Exchange txn charge: 0.00035%


Exchange txn charge: 0.00045%

Exchange txn charge: 0.0311%


Exchange txn charge: 0.001%


Fees Charged by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
Currency Futures Currency Options

SEBI Charges

₹10/crore ₹10/crore

Upstox Charges

Fees charged by Upstox
Commodity Futures Commodity Options


₹20 per executed order or 0.05% (whichever is lower). Flat ₹20 per executed order.

Statutory Charges

Taxes and Fees by the Government of India
Commodity Futures Commodity Options


0.01% on sell trade (Non-Agri) 0.05% on sell trade


18% ( on brokerage+transaction charges) 18% (on brokerage+transaction charges)

Stamp Duty

0.002% or ₹200 per crore on buy-side 0.003% or ₹300 per crore on buy-side

Exchange Fees

Fees charged by Commodities traded on the MCX (Multi Commodity Exchange)
Commodity Futures Commodity Options

Transaction Charges

Exchange turnover charge: 0.0026%
Exchange turnover charge: 0.05%

Exchange Fees

Fees charged for Commodities traded on the NSE (National Stock Exchange)
Commodity Futures Commodity Options

Transaction Charges

NSE Commodity Fees: 0.0001% NSE Commodity Fees: 0.0010%


Fees Charged by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
Commodity Futures Commodity Options

SEBI Charges

₹10/crore ₹10/crore

Transparent pricing and No hidden charges

When you place an order on Upstox, here’s what you’ll be charged:


Upstox Charges

Fees charged by Upstox


Equity Delivery

per executed order

Equity Intraday

₹20 per executed order or 0.1% (whichever is lower)

Equity Futures

₹20 per executed order or 0.05% (whichever is lower)

Equity Options

Flat ₹20 per executed order.

Statutory Charges

Taxes and Fees by the Government of India

STT/CTT (From 1st April 2023)

Equity Delivery

0.1% on buy & sell

Equity Intraday

0.025% on the sell side

Equity Futures

0.0125% on sell-side

Equity Options

0.0625% on sell side (on premium)

STT/CTT (From 1st October 2024)

Equity Delivery

0.1% on buy & sell

Equity Intraday

0.025% on the sell side

Equity Futures

0.02% on sell-side

Equity Options

0.1% on sell side (on premium)


Equity Delivery

18% (on brokerage + transaction + demat charges)

Equity Intraday

18% (on brokerage + transaction charges)

Equity Futures

18% (on brokerage + transaction charges)

Equity Options

18% (on brokerage + transaction charges)

Stamp Duty

Equity Delivery

0.015% or ₹1500 / crore on buy side

Equity Intraday

0.003% or ₹300 / crore on buy side

Equity Futures

0.002% or ₹200 / crore on buy side

Equity Options

0.003% or ₹300 / crore on buy side

Exchange Fees

Fees Charged by either NSE (National Stock Exchange) or BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange)

Transaction charges (From 1st April 2024 to 30th September 2024)

Equity Delivery

0.00322% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group

Equity Intraday

0.00322% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group

Equity Futures

Exchange turnover charge: 0.00188%


Equity Options

0.0495% (on premium)

0.0495% (on premium)

Transaction charges (From 1st October 2024)

Equity Delivery

0.00297% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group

Equity Intraday

0.00297% per trade on buy & sell.

charges vary as per the scrip group

Equity Futures

Exchange turnover charge: 0.00173%


Equity Options

0.03503% (on premium)

0.0325% (on premium)

Demat transaction charges

Fees Charged by CDSL (Central Depository Services Limited) & Upstox

DP Charges

Equity Delivery

₹ 20.0 per scrip per day only on sell

Equity Intraday

No charges

Equity Futures

No charges

Equity Options

No charges


Fees Charged by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)

SEBI Charges

Equity Delivery


Equity Intraday


Equity Futures


Equity Options


Upstox Charges

Fees charged by Upstox


Currency Futures

₹20 per executed order or 0.05%

(whichever is lower).

Currency Options

Flat ₹20 per executed order.

Statutory Charges

Taxes and Fees by the Government of India


Currency Futures


Currency Options



Currency Futures

18% ( on brokerage+transaction charges)

Currency Options

18% (on brokerage+transaction charges)

Stamp Duty

Currency Futures

0.0001% or Rs 10 per crore on buy-side

Currency Options

0.0001% or Rs 10 per crore on buy-side

Exchange Fees

Fees Charged by either NSE (National Stock Exchange) or BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange)

Transaction Charges

Currency Futures


Exchange txn charge: 0.00035%


Exchange txn charge: 0.00045%

Currency Options


Exchange txn charge: 0.0311%


Exchange txn charge: 0.001%


Fees Charged by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)

SEBI Charges

Currency Futures


Currency Options


Upstox Charges

Fees charged by Upstox


Commodity Futures

₹20 per executed order or 0.05% (whichever is lower).

Commodity Options

Flat ₹20 per executed order.

Statutory Charges

Taxes and Fees by the Government of India


Commodity Futures

0.01% on sell trade (Non-Agri)

Commodity Options

0.05% on sell trade


Commodity Futures

18% ( on brokerage+transaction charges)

Commodity Options

18% (on brokerage+transaction charges)

Stamp Duty

Commodity Futures

0.002% or ₹200 per crore on buy-side

Commodity Options

0.003% or ₹300 per crore on buy-side

Exchange Fees

Fees charged by Commodities traded on the MCX (Multi Commodity Exchange)

Transaction Charges

Commodity Futures

Exchange turnover charge: 0.0026%

Commodity Options

Exchange turnover charge: 0.05%

Exchange Fees

Fees charged for Commodities traded on the NSE (National Stock Exchange)

Transaction Charges

Commodity Futures

NSE Commodity Fees: 0.0001%

Commodity Options

NSE Commodity Fees: 0.0010%


Fees Charged by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)

SEBI Charges

Commodity Futures


Commodity Options


Still confused?

Calculate brokerage & margin easily with these

Do more with less

Order type Applicable margin on Equity Applicable margin on
  • Index Futures and Stock Futures
  • Index and Stock Option Sell
  • NSE Currency Futures
  • MCX Futures
  • Intraday order
up to 5x
  • CO/OCO order
up to 5x
  • Margin Trading Facility (MTF)
up to 4x
  • Not Applicable
Note: No Margin for Options buying

Is MTF chargeable?

Yes, the following charges are applicable on MTF orders over and above regular brokerage

  • Interest
  • ₹20/day for every slab of ₹40,000 taken as MTF
  • Pledging charges
  • The cost of pledging, as well as unpledging, is ₹20 + GST per scrip.

Margin shortfall penalty

Shortfall collection for each client Penalty percentage of the shortfall
  • (< ₹1 lakh) and (< 10% of applicable margin)
  • 0.50%
  • (>= ₹1 lakh) or (>= 10% of applicable margin)
  • 1.00%


  • If there are more than 5 instances of a shortfall in a calendar month, a penalty of 5% for every further instance of the shortfall is applicable

  • If the margin shortfall continues for more than 3 consecutive days, a penalty of 5% is applied for each subsequent instance of the margin shortfall

  • For MCX, if the margin shortfall is reported 3 times or more during a month, i.e., either in consecutive instances or in 3 different instances, the penalty would be 5% from the 4th instance of the shortfall

All Charges Explained


1. Brokerage

  • Up to ₹20/order charged on Stocks, F&O, Commodity and Currency trades

  • Zero Commission on Mutual Funds and IPOs


  • ZERO AMC is applicable for newly onboarded customers in the first year

  • Non-BSDA users: QMC of ₹ 75 per quarter + GST

    BSDA Users: Link


1. STT/CTT - Securities/Commodities transaction tax

  • Levied by the Government on Securities and Commodities

  • Charged on both buy and sell Stocks - Equity Delivery orders

  • Charged only on sell Intraday and F&O orders

  • May be more than the brokerage we charge

2. GST - Goods and Services Tax

  • Levied by the government on the services rendered.

  • 18% of (brokerage + transaction charges + Demat)

3. Stamp duty charges

  • Stamp duty charges are a part of the state revenue system

  • Applicable on the trading of Securities and Commodities

  • Since 2020, uniform stamp duty charges are applicable across all the states in India.

  • Read more


1. Transaction Charges

  • Charged by exchanges (NSE, BSE, MCX) on the value of your transactions.

  • BSE has revised transaction charges in XC, XD, XT, Z and ZP groups to ₹10,000 per crore w.e.f 01.01.2016. (XC and XD groups have been merged into a new group X w.e.f 01.12.2017)

  • BSE has revised transaction charges in SS and ST groups to ₹1,00,000 per crore of gross turnover.

2. SEBI Charges

  • Charged at ₹10 per crore by Securities and Exchange Board of India for regulating the markets.

3. DP (Depository participant) charges

  • CDSL: ₹3.5
  • Upstox: ₹16.5
  • Total: ₹20.0 + GST
  • CDSL: ₹3.25
  • Upstox: ₹16.75
  • Total: ₹20.0 + GST

Charges for other services

  • servicesMargin Against Demat Holdings (can be used for Futures buy and sell and Options Sell orders only
  • ₹20 + GST per scrip for pledging and unpledging
  • servicesAuto Square-off
  • ₹75 + GST
  • servicesCall & Trade
  • ₹75 + GST
  • servicesP&L/ CMR Physical copy
  • ₹10 per page
  • servicesOff-market (to transfer shares between brokers)
  • 1. Buy orders will continue to be charged at ₹100 or 1.5% of the transaction amount (whichever is lower)
  • 2. ‘Invest More’ orders will be charged at ₹100 or 1.5% of the transaction amount (whichever is lower).
  • 3. SIP orders will be charged at ₹10 or 1.5% of the transaction amount (whichever is lower)
  • servicesInstant Withdrawal charges
  • ₹20 + GST
  • servicesNetbanking charges (Razorpay / Atom)
  • ₹7 (GST included)
  • servicesBuyback/Takeover/Delisting Charges
  • ₹20 + GST
  • servicesOffer For Sale
  • ₹20 + GST
  • servicesAccount Opening Fees
  • Free
  • servicesAPI Subscription Charges
  • Free
  • servicesInterest on Delayed Payment
  • 0.05% per day on account debit (negative balance)
  • servicesDematerialisation charges
  • ₹100 per certificate + ₹50 courier charges
  • servicesAccount Modification charges
  • ₹ 50 + GST
  • servicesNDU Charges
  • ₹200/- per request or 0.01% on transaction value whichever is higher payable by the borrower for NDU requests accepted by the lender

Common questions regarding your funds

After I sell a stock, why don’t I get to use 100% of it?

From October 04, 2024, SEBI peak margin rules have changed the way sell amounts get credited to you. As per this, 100% of the sell amount is available for trading on the same day. And 100% of the sell amount will be available for withdrawal from T+1 day onwards. To know more on the impact of SEBI’s peak margin rules, click here.

Why is my fund balance lesser than what I expected?

Your fund balance could be lesser than what you expect it to be because of multiple reasons such as maintenance charges, taxes, quarterly settlement/retention and more. To know about these in detail, click here.

Why am I charged for equity delivery?

We follow a pay-per-use model. We only charge a minimal brokerage up to ₹20 when you place a trade. To know more, click here.

Where can I see all charges that are deducted?

Whenever you trade, you need to check the order details or contract note to know how much amount will be credited or debited from your account. Contract note or order details can be checked under Ledger report or directly in the Bill report. To know how to access your ledger, click here and to know how to read a ledger, click here.

What is a margin?

Margin is the amount the broker provides over and above your available purchasing power. Many times, the terms "margin" and "exposure" are used interchangeably. If a broker is providing "2x exposure", that is the same as saying that the broker is providing "50% margin". To know more on Margin, click here.
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