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Although the 8th Pay Commission is yet to begin its work, it will be interesting to see how it deals with the Pay Matrix introduced by the 7th Pay Commission. The Pay Matrix promised to remove the anomalies noticed in the running Pay Bands and Grade Pay introduced by the 6th CPC.
8th pay commission pay matrix


Employees Provident Fund Organisation has kept the EPF interest rate for FY 2024-25 unchanged at 8.25%. In past, EPF subscribers have enjoyed up to 12% interest on their provident fund deposits. The EPFO started its journey in 1952-53 offering 3% interest, which went up to 12% in the 1990s. The EPF interest rate has never been below 8% since 1977-78.
EPFO's central board of trustees (CBT) met on February 28 to decide on the interest rate for 2024-25. | Image source: Shutterstock

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Margin trading facility is a financial tool that enables investors to buy stocks by paying only a portion of the total value while the broker provides the rest. With the help of MTF, investors can buy a larger value of stocks against the money they may not have.
margin trading facility