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Update on RIL’s partly paid-up equity shares

As per a recent update, all RIL partly paid-up equity shareholders as on record date 10th Nov’21 need to pay the second & final call of 628.50 per partly paid-up equity share between 15th Nov’21 to 29th Nov’21 (both days included).

If they do not wish to pay this amount then they can sell their partly paid-up equity shares by 8th Nov’21 as the shares will be delisted after this date.

How to make the payment of ₹628.50 per partly paid-up equity share?
You can make the payment online or offline after the window to pay the second and final call opens on 15th Nov’21. We will update you on the process once the window opens.

What happens in case of a delayed or non-payment of ₹628.50 per partly paid-up equity share?
As RIL partly paid-up equity shares will delist after 8th Nov’21 if you delay your payment or do not pay ₹628.50 per partly paid-up equity share, your rights to existing partly paid-up equity shares including the amount already paid will be forfeited.

What are partly paid-up equity shares?

These are shares in a company which have only been partially paid for and as the company requires more funds, calls are made from time to time from the holder of such partly paid-up shares until the shares are fully paid-up. Once fully paid-up no further call would be made towards such shares.

For more information, you can refer to the company circular here: 

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