
Our latest announcements and updates

Trading updates for 31st July 2020

As per SEBI’s directive in curricular no. CIR/HO/MIRSD/DOP/CIR/P/2019/139 and CIR/HO/MIRSD/DOP/CIR/P/2020/28, we want to update you about three important trading updates, which we are implementing from 31st July 2020, Friday. This is likely to affect some popular trading strategies that you may be using such as- Buy Today - Sell Tomorrow (BTST). 

1) Any equity shares that you have bought on a particular trading day, will not show under your holdings until after T+2 days.
For example: Shares bought on 30th July 2020, Thursday, will not show under your holdings until 4th August 2020, Tuesday.
(Saturdays and Sundays are not trading days and hence don’t count). 

2) Funds from all sell transactions from your holdings will be available for use only on the T+2 day.
For example: In case you sell any shares from your holdings on 31st July 2020, Friday,  the funds that you receive from this transaction will be available for use only on and after 4th August 2020, Tuesday.
(Saturdays and Sundays are not trading days and hence don’t count). 

3) Taking fresh positions under our Margin Trading Facility (MTF) feature have been discontinued from 31st July 2020, Friday, until further notice. We’re working on rolling out a new MTF process as per the updated SEBI guidelines on pledging of shares. 

For more details, you can refer to the SEBI circulars here: 


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