Indian benchmark indices closed in the green on Tuesday after a steep fall on Monday. Technically, the NIFTY50 and SENSEX traded in a tight range, hovering around the 200 DEMA (Daily Exponential Moving Average) levels. Similarly, most stocks broke their respective 200 DEMA levels on Monday as a correction rattled investor sentiments.
The 200 DEMA level is a significant mark in a particular script or index’s history. It is considered a broader trendline of how the underlying asset has moved over the past 200 days. In the medium to long term, the 200 DEMA is considered a crucial point crossing that helps determine the upside or downside move.
When a particular stock or asset crosses 200 DEMA levels from below, it gives a medium-term bullish signal for that particular stock. Similarly, when the price of a particular stock or asset crosses 200 DEMA levels from above, it gives a medium-term bearish signal.
Here are the top three stocks with stock prices crossing 200 EMA from below:
Bharat Dynamics Ltd
Bharat Dynamics is one of the leading defence PSUs in India. It manufactures surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs), underwater weapons, launchers, countermeasures, and test equipment. The stock has gained nearly 35% in 2024.
ICICI Lombard General Insurance
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company is one of the leading private-sector general insurance companies in India. It offers insurance coverage for motor, health, travel, home, student travel and more. The company's share price jumped 26% in 2024, outperforming the NIFTY50.
Suzlon Energy
Suzlon Energy is a leader in wind energy in India, the world’s fifth-largest wind energy market. The company is a pioneer in providing end-to-end wind power solutions for increasing demand for wind energy worldwide. Suzlon Energy's shares have delivered impressive growth of 63% in 2024.
Stocks price crossing with 200 EMA from above
TVS Motors
TVS Motor Company is India’s leading two-wheeler manufacturer, with a major market share in the two-wheeler and three-wheeler segments. The company has a global footprint in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, Latin America and the Indian subcontinent. Shares of TVS Motor have gained 18% in 2024, outperforming benchmark NIFTY50.
HDFC AMC is India’s leading asset management company, with total assets under management worth ₹7,68,600 crore as of Q2FY25. It holds a 12.5% market share in equity-oriented AUM, 13.5% in Debt AUM and 12.1% in liquid AUM. HDFC AMC's share price has gained over 30% in 2024.
(Disclaimer: The above article is only for informational purposes and should not be considered investment advice from Upstox. Investors should do their research or consult with registered financial advisors before investing.)