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DRDO awards 7 new projects to private companies; check list


2 min read | Updated on July 11, 2024, 15:33 IST

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The Ministry of Defence said that the projects, covering different areas such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), simulation toolkits and ice detection sensors, aim to nurture MSMEs and startups in defence and aerospace sectors.

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DRDO sanctions seven new projects to the private sector under Technology Development Fund scheme

In a boost to the 'Make in India' initiative, the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), the premier R&D organisation for the Armed Forces, on Thursday awarded seven new projects to private players under the Technology Development Fund scheme. These projects will cater to the requirements of the Armed Forces and aerospace and defence sectors.

The Ministry of Defence, in a statement, said that the projects, covering different areas such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), simulation toolkits and ice detection sensors, aim to nurture MSMEs and startups in defence and aerospace sectors.

DRDO sanctions projects to private sector: Check list

Indigenous scenario and sensor simulation toolkit

This project involves developing an Indigenous toolkit for simulator training of pilots in realistic scenarios. The project has been awarded to Noida-based Oxygen 2 Innovation Pvt Ltd, a startup.

Underwater launched UAV

The project aims to develop a UAV used for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) as well as for Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA). It has been awarded to Sagar Defence Engineering Pvt Ltd, Pune.

Long-range remotely operated vehicles for detection & neutralisation

The vehicles are dual-use systems that will help in the detection, classification, localisation, and neutralisation of underwater objects while keeping key assets away from the suspected operational area. The project has been given to IROV Technologies Pvt Limited, Kochi.

Ice detection sensor for aircraft

It is related to detecting icing in flight, which occurs due to supercooled water droplets freezing on contact with the external surface of the aircraft, and developing an anti-icing mechanism. The project has been awarded to Craftlogic Labs Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru.

Radar signal processor with active antenna array simulator

"The project will allow deployment of multiple target system for test and evaluation of multiple short range aerial weapon system. It serves as the basic building block for larger radar systems. The project has been sanctioned to Data Patterns (India) Limited, Chennai," the Defence Ministry said.

Development of timing acquisition and dissemination system

The project, which has been sanctioned to Begaluru-based Accord Software & Systems Pvt Ltd, involves developing an Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS)- based timing acquisition and dissemination system.

Graphene-based smart and e-textiles

Coimbatore's Alohatech Pvt Ltd has been awarded a project to develop conductive yarn and fabric-making processes using graphene nanomaterials and conductive inks.

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