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🚨 Beware of fake Telegram Channels impersonating Upstox

We've noticed fake Telegram Channels such as ‘Upstox Data Tutor’ falsely claiming affiliation with Upstox. Please note that these channels are not official and Upstox has no connection with them.

To ensure your account's security, follow these guidelines:

⛔️ Never share your passwords/PINs

🔄 Keep your app updated for the latest fixes

🛡️ Stay cautious of phishing emails, messages, or calls asking for your account details

🔒 Upstox will never request your password or PIN

🚫 We never solicit money via links or cash

⚠️ Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources

📱 Secure your devices with strong passwords or biometric locks

🔐 Don't use public Wi-Fi when accessing your Upstox app.

🕵️‍♂️ Regularly monitor your account for any unusual activity; report such incidents to Upstox

Remember, Upstox and its representatives will never ask you to transfer money via any link or make cash payments.

These are our official modes to transfer funds to trade and invest: How can I add funds to my Upstox account?

For other inquiries, transactions, or assistance, connect with us through our official website and social media channels


Upstox cares for your security and will always prioritise your protection.


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