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Salaried employee? Know how Income-Tax Bill 2025 defines salary income for taxation

rajeev kumar

3 min read | Updated on February 14, 2025, 10:19 IST

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New Income-Tax Bill 2025 has simplified the definition of incomes to be taxed as salary. Any income earned by taxpayers are taxed under different heads of incomes. In the new bill, there are five heads of incomes, including salary. Other heads are income from house property, profits and gains of business or profession, capital gains, and income from other sources.

tax on salary income in new income tax bill

The Income-tax Bill 2025 proposes to replace the concepts of assessment year and previous year with tax year. | Image source: Shutterstock

The draft Income-Tax Bill 2025 has proposed to simplify the meaning of incomes to be taxed under the head "Salaries".

It is expected that the new bill will be tabled in the Parliament soon. However, it may undergo revisions before fully replacing the Income-tax Act, 1961, which is likely to happen by next year.
This article explains how the new bill defines salary income for taxation and what kinds of incomes are included. Before going forward, however, you should understand two concepts:
  1. Any income earned by taxpayers are taxed under different heads of incomes. In the new bill, there are five heads of incomes, including salary. Other heads are income from house property, profits and gains of business or profession, capital gains, and income from other sources.
  2. The new bill proposes to replace the concepts of assessment year and previous year with tax year for the 12-month period between April and March.

What the new income-tax bill says about salary

As per the new income tax bill, the following incomes will be taxed under the head salaries:

  • Any salary due from an employer, including former employer, to an assessee in the tax year, whether paid or not.
  • Any salary paid or allowed to him in the tax year by or on behalf of an employer though not due or before it became due to him
  • Any arrears of salary paid or allowed to him in the tax year by or on behalf of an employer, if not charged to income-tax for any earlier tax year.

List of incomes to be considered as salary in the new income-tax bill 2025

Annuity or pension
Fees or commission
Profits in lieu of, or in addition to, any salary or wages
Advance salary
Leave encashment
Contribution to provident fund beyond the tax-free limit
Contribution by central government or any other employer to employee's pension scheme accounts
Contribution by Central Government to the agniveer corpus

The bill says that if salary is paid in advance and included in the total income of any person for any tax year, it will not be included again in the total income when the when the salary actually becomes due.

Furthermore, any salary, bonus, commission or remuneration due to, or received by, a partner of a firm from the firm will not be considered for tax calculation under the head "Salary".

Please note that no change in tax slabs or rates have been prescribed in the draft bill. Your salary income in a financial year will continue to be taxed as per the existing slabs and rates applicable to that financial year.

Further, there might be some changes in the draft bill in the course of its passage in the Parliament.


About The Author

rajeev kumar
Rajeev Kumar is a Deputy Editor at Upstox, and covers personal finance stories. In over 11 years as a journalist, he has written over 2,000 articles on topics like income tax, mutual funds, credit cards, insurance, investing, savings, and pension. He has previously worked with organisations like 1% Club, The Financial Express, Zee Business and Hindustan Times.

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