Winsol Engineers Limited

Winsol Engineers Limited

₹1.14LMin. investment
  1. Bid start
    6 May
  2. Bid end
    9 May
  3. Allotment
    8 May
  4. Release of funds
    13 May
  5. Demat transfer
    10 May
  6. Listing
    14 May

About Winsol Engineers Limited

Price range₹71.00 – ₹75.00
IPO type
Lot size1600 shares
Issue size₹23,36,00,000Cr
Red Herring Prospectus


Risk analysis

Debt to Equity ratio
Promoter holdings
Shares pledged
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About Winsol Engineers Limited

Frequently asked questions

How to invest in the IPO?

Investors can apply for the IPO through their Demat account via the stock exchange or through their broker.

What is the issue size of Winsol Engineers Limited ?

The issue size of the Winsol Engineers Limited is 233600000 Cr.

What is 'pre-apply' for Winsol Engineers Limited ?

Pre-applying for an IPO allows you to submit your application before the official subscription period begins.

Which exchanges will Winsol Engineers Limited shares list on?

The IPO shares will typically list on major stock exchanges such as the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), as specified in the IPO prospectus.