Ganesh Green Bharat Limited

Ganesh Green Bharat Limited

₹1.09LMin. investment
  1. Bid start
    5 Jul
  2. Bid end
    9 Jul
  3. Allotment
    7 Jul
  4. Release of funds
    11 Jul
  5. Demat transfer
    10 Jul
  6. Listing
    12 Jul

About Ganesh Green Bharat Limited

Price range₹181 – ₹190
IPO type
Lot size600 shares
Issue size₹1,25,23,00,000Cr

Market Cap

₹0.03CrLower than sector avg


₹105.54CrLower than sector avg

Growth rate



Quality analysis

Revenue growth
Company valuation
Earnings expansion

Risk analysis

Debt to Equity ratio
Promoter holdings
Shares pledged
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Higher revenue means strong sales and good market demand
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Higher PAT means strong profitability and efficient cost management
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Market cap

Higher market cap means strong confidence but may suggest overvaluation
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P/E ratio

Lower ratio usually means stock is undervalued
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D/E ratio

Lower ratio usually means fewer liabilities
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About Ganesh Green Bharat Limited

About Ganesh Green Bharat Limited  Incorporated in2016, Ganesh Green Bharat Limited started as a partnership firm in the year 2016 with focus on Electrical contracting services. They are providing comprehensive portfolios in the field of supply, installation, testing and commissioning (SITC) of solar and electrical goods and services to various government bodies. They have completed projects under various schemes of Central and State Government like - Saubhagya Scheme, KUSUM Scheme, Saur Sujla Yojna. They also forayed into the business of designing, construction, installation and operation and maintenance of Water Supply Scheme Projects like the Mukhya Mantri Nishchay Quality Affected Yojna, Har Ghar Jal (Jal Jeevan Mission) etc.  Later in the year 2017 they stepped into the renewable energy sector where they expanded their operations as an integrated solar energy solutions provider offering engineering, procurement and construction (“EPC”) services and operations and maintenance (“O&M”) services for solar home light, solar street light, solar power plants (On Grid and off Grid), Solar Highmast, Solar Pumping System etc. In 2016, they attained the status of Channel Partner of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) and in the year 2018 they completed a substantial project involving 16,486 SPV home lighting system in Rajasthan through Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited (RRECL). They started bidding for Water Supply Scheme Projects wherein they are engaged in designing, construction, supply, testing and commissioning of Water Supply Scheme Projects which involves construction of piped water supply with installation of polyethylene water storage tank to provide drinking water through functional household tap connections in villages with all allied works of the scheme and successful trial run.  Ganesh Green Bharat bids for tenders issued by government authorities and has worked for departments of 8 states viz: Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Limited, Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited, Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency, Ajmer Vidhyut Vitaran Nigam Limited, Jodhpur Vidhyut Vitaran Nigam Limited, Jharkhand Renewable Energy Development Agency, Jaipur Vidhyut Vitaran Nigam Limited, Public Health Engineering Department, Bihar, Public Health Engineering Department, Madhya Pradesh, PHED, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Agency, UP, NHAI through Kalthia Engineering Construction Ltd( Maharashtra) etc. They also sell Solar PV modules to some of the private sector organizations.  As Ganesh Green Bharat Limited prepares for its Initial Public Offering (IPO), the proceeds generated from the Fresh Issue will be allocated towards crucial objectives:   Repayment in full or in part, of certain of our outstanding borrowings.  Funding Capital Expenditure towards installation of additional plant and machinery at our factory  Funding to meet working capital requirements  General Corporate Purpose     

Frequently asked questions

How to invest in the IPO?

Investors can apply for the IPO through their Demat account via the stock exchange or through their broker.

What is the issue size of Ganesh Green Bharat Limited ?

The issue size of the Ganesh Green Bharat Limited is 1252300000 Cr.

What is 'pre-apply' for Ganesh Green Bharat Limited ?

Pre-applying for an IPO allows you to submit your application before the official subscription period begins.

Which exchanges will Ganesh Green Bharat Limited shares list on?

The IPO shares will typically list on major stock exchanges such as the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), as specified in the IPO prospectus.