What is Adjusted Closing Price and How to Calculate it?


The adjusted closing price is the historical summarization of a stock and the impact of various corporate events like dividends or split on the stock. The adjusted closing price is a critical tool for analysts and investors to accurately gauge the performance of a stock over time. This article helps you understand the basics of adjusted closing price and how it is calculated.

The adjusted closing price is also known as the adjusted close or simply as the adjusted price. Various corporate actions and events can affect the stock's value. The Adjusted closing price is the modification made to a stock's closing price in consideration of those changes. In stock market analysis, the adjusted closing price is used as a metric to track the performance of a stock over a period accurately. This is especially helpful when accounting for factors like dividends, stock splits, and others.

How to calculate the adjusted closing price?

To calculate the adjusted closing price, you need to take the raw closing price and adjust for the following corporate actions or events:

Now that these adjustments are made, they are applied to the raw closing prices over the trading history of the stock so we can arrive at the adjusted closing price. Once a dividend payment or a stock split is done, a formula can be used to calculate the adjusted closing price. But first, let’s understand a few common concepts.

Previous Adjusted Closing Price

Adjusted Closing Price =                                       X

(1 + Daily Return Percentage + Dividend Percentage)

Therefore, you need the historical price data of the stock to calculate the adjusted closing price for a historical date. The information you need includes:

Many financial data providers, trading platforms, and stock market analysis tools may also get you the adjusted closing prices as a part of their historical stock price data.

With adjusted closing prices, investors and analysts can assess a stock's true performance over time. They can also account for the impact of corporate actions that can distort the raw closing price data. Now, let us understand the significance of the adjusted closing price.

Significance of adjusted closing price

The significance of adjusted closing prices in stock market research and financial analysis include:


The adjusted closing plays a crucial role in investment decision-making and financial analysis. The accurate reflection of a stock's true performance is crucial for investors, analysts, and traders tasked with making informed decisions about buying or selling securities. As an investor, you must understand what this stands for to finetune your trading strategy.