What are Long-dated Options?

A Long-dated option contract is a standardised derivative contract that enables the buyer (holder or owner) of the instrument the right to buy or sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price and quantity on a specified date in the future.

Pros of trading in Long-dated options

Significance in India

In India, long-dated options are known as LEAPS which stand for Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities. These are publicly traded options contracts with the duration to expiry of more than 1 year and up to 3 years. However, it is only available on the Nifty50 Index and their liquidity is not as high as the short-term contracts.

Unlike in India Leaps are highly traded derivatives on US Exchanges with the minimum duration of 1 year and its multiples. They are available on both stocks and indices.

Types of Long-dated options available: