What are commodity mutual funds?

A mutual fund can be mystifying on its own, but add ‘commodity’ in front of it and it seems even more tricky. Read on to find out what commodity mutual funds are and how they can play a role in a balanced portfolio.

Most people start their investments with traditional fixed interest products like FDs. We move on to mutual funds when we start making our own money. And later based on our conversations with peers, we start exploring the world of equities. But one asset class that doesn’t get as much attention among Indian investors is commodities.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word commodities? Chances are you think of oil, gold, grains, or metals. As a concept, we’ve been taught about commodities since we were born. But it’s a whole new ball game when it comes to thinking about commodities as investments. For investors, commodities can be an important way to diversify their portfolios beyond traditional instruments because the prices of commodities tend to move in a direction opposite to those of stocks.

In the past, trading in commodities required a lot of time, money, and expertise. This is why it was primarily limited to professional traders. However, commodity mutual funds have made investing in commodities accessible for retail traders. Bear in mind that trading in commodities comes with its fair share of risks. Read on to make an informed decision about the types of commodity mutual funds in India and their advantages.

What is a commodity mutual fund?

A commodity fund is a professionally managed mutual fund that invests in the trade of a particular commodity. This allows the investors an opportunity to invest in commodities without large capital and earn returns from the movement of commodity prices.

Types of commodity mutual funds

What are the benefits of investing in commodity mutual funds?


Keep in mind that along with the advantages, there are also risks involved in investing in commodity mutual funds. Commodities are freely traded globally and carry macroeconomic, social, and geopolitical risks. The prices of commodities can fluctuate greatly and are affected by global demand and supply trends. Investing in commodity mutual funds is best suited for investors with a long-term investment horizon and a higher risk tolerance.

Categories: Trading 101