What is a Referral Link for Authorised Partners?

Making the right investment choices, in sync with one’s risk appetite and financial goals, can be tricky. This is where the role of an Authorised Partner becomes crucial.

In a booming Stock Market like India, there is significant scope for earning handsome money through an Authorised Partnership business. Many Authorised Partners earn a substantial amount every month by assisting clients in making the right investment decisions and referring them to the main brokerage firm.

They work under the license of the main brokerage firm and assist their clients in investment decisions.

Making the right investment choices, in sync with one’s risk appetite and financial goals, can be tricky. This is where the role of an Authorised Partner becomes crucial. From offering expert advice to providing deep market insights to helping choose the right asset classes, Authorised Partners play a significant role in a client’s investment journey.

Referral link for Authorised Partners

Each referral and successful trade results in monetary incentives for Authorised Partners. With the Upstox Referral Agent program, everyone can earn through referrals.

There are, of course, some terms and conditions. For example, referred clients must have active PAN cards, Demat accounts, and should have an account with the brokerage firm.

Referral link for Authorised Partners

There are some steps to follow to refer clients to the brokerage firm. Authorised Partners give referral links to new leads to become customers. These customers are mapped under the Authorised Partner and the transactions earn commission for them. The client should be mapped under the Authorised Partner and this is only possible when they initiate the Upstox account-opening process by clicking on the referral link sent by him/her.