Authorised Partner Agreement

The agreement defines the terms and conditions of the working relationship between the Authorised Partner and the broking house. The agreement typically lists the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of the two parties.

Authorised Partners help establish a bridge link between a stockbroker and an investor. An Authorised Partner works under a broker who is registered under the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

Authorised Partners sign an agreement to forge a partnership with the broking house. This agreement defines the terms and conditions of the working relationship between the Authorised Partner and the brokerage. The agreement typically lists the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of the two parties.

Importance of the Authorised Partner Agreement

The agreement is extremely important because Authorised Partners cannot start work without signing the agreement. Here are some of the benefits and rights stated in the agreement:

Rights and benefits of the Authorised Partner agreement

Now that you know about the rights and benefits an Authorised Partner gets as a part of the agreement, here’s a look at the responsibilities of an Authorised Partner.

The agreement between the two parties is a business agreement and clearly defines the code of conduct the Authorised Partner must follow. Here’s a look at the responsibilities of the Authorised Partner as per the agreement:

Responsibilities of Authorised Partner

Terminating The Agreement

The agreement can be terminated by either party without giving any reason. Once the agreement is terminated, the two parties need to collect the registration certificate from the Authorised Partner and submit it to SEBI. The two parties will also need to clear out the pending fees and arrears. The stockbroker also has to inform all investors through newspaper announcements regarding the dissolution of the agreement.


The agreement between Authorised Partners and stockbrokers describes the rights and responsibilities enjoyed by both parties. The agreement also states certain regulations that are to be followed by both the broker and the Authorised Partner. The agreement ensures that a partnership is based on integrity and transparency.