The major advantages of using hedged option strategies


Most experienced traders use options to hedge against risk to an equity portfolio. It is essential for investors to have in-depth knowledge about hedged option strategies. This blog will take you through the definition and major benefits of hedged option strategies.

When it comes to investments, hedging helps preserve a trader’s finances from being exposed to a risky situation that can lead to loss of value. While hedging doesn’t necessarily make your investments loss proof, it provides a layer of protection so that even if you incur losses, they can be moderated by gains in some other investment. In other words, hedging can aid in making additional profits or decrease short-term risks.

What is hedging?

Hedging is a financial strategy that is used to minimise or offset the potential risk of adverse price movements in assets or investments. It involves taking on a secondary position or making an additional investment that is intended to counterbalance potential losses in the primary position. Hedging is commonly employed in various markets, including commodities, currencies, and securities, to protect against volatility and potential financial losses.

How to hedge stocks with options?

Options allow traders to hedge positions against adverse price fluctuations. If you have a long position on a particular stock, then you might buy put options to protect yourself from the downside. When the stock price declines, the put option gives you the freedom to sell the stock at a higher price than the spot market, thus allowing you to adjust the losses.

To learn more about the hedging strategy in options trading,

Benefits of hedging in options trading

Hedged option strategies consist of a combination of options contracts with the goal of managing risks efficiently. Let us understand the major advantages of hedged option strategies.

Wrapping up

Engaging in options trading offers the advantage of risk reduction within portfolios. Investors can adopt hedged option strategies by investing in extended put options. This effectively minimises risk exposure during market turbulence. Given that options contracts provide the means to restrict risk, those involved in options trading should utilise this advantage.