Long Call Ladder Options Strategy

A Long Call Ladder is a three-legged options strategy, which is deployed when markets are expected to rise very slightly and with substantial reduction in volatility. Since it's a three-legged options strategy, Option Greeks influence the payoff very actively. The strategy is also known as “Bull Call Ladder spread”, it is an improvement over Bull Call spread options strategy.  A Bull Call spread involves buying a call with At-the-money strike and selling a higher strike which is Out-of-the-money to fund the purchase of the lower strike.

A Long Call Ladder follows the same aspect and improves upon the Bull Call spread by adding a third leg, which is to sell one more out-of-the-money strike at an even higher strike. Thus, making it look like a ladder. The three strikes traded may or may not be equidistant from one another. But, all three should have the same underlying and same expiration.

The strategy belongs to the ladder spread family and requires a lesser capital outlay than a conventional vertical spread strategy. The improvements over the vertical call spread comes at a cost. In Bull Call spread, both profit and loss are capped but in Long Call Ladder options strategy, the profits are severely curtailed below a particular point and potential for losses are unlimited, if the price rises significantly. Therefore, as mentioned before, the strategy is conducive when traders expect price to rise slowly and volatility to reduce substantially.

The strategy is deployed by buying an ITM or ATM call option, selling an ATM or OTM call option and selling a call option which is further OTM above the previously sold call option strike.


The Nifty50 is currently trading at 18,000.

Strategy Index Action Strike


Long Call Ladder


Buy Call

17,900 (strike 1) -160

Sell Call

18,000 (strike 2)


Sell Call 18,100 (strike 2)


Net Premium


The deployment of strategy results in net outflow of premium, which makes this a debit spread, the net premium can also be positive depending on the moneyness of the strike chosen.

There are 2 breakeven points here because of the premium debit, in case the credit or net premium was positive, there would only be an upper breakeven point.

Lower breakeven point = (strike 1 + net premium paid) = (17,900 + 20) = 17,920
Upper breakeven point = (strike 3 + strike 2 – strike 1 – net premium paid)
                                        = (18,100 + 18,000 – 17,900 – 20) = 18,180

Max potential profit = (strike 2 - strike 1 – net premium) * lot size
                                    = (18,000 – 17,900 – 20) * 50
                                    = ₹ 4,000

Maximum loss on upside = Unlimited
Maximum loss on downside = (Net premium paid * lot size) = -₹20 * 50 = -₹1,000

The point between the two sold option strikes is where the strategy earns the maximum profit. Beyond both the breakeven points the strategy becomes unprofitable. On the lower side, the loss is limited to the extent of net premium paid. On the higher side the risk is unlimited due to a pair of sold call options, among which there is only one hedged by long call option position.

Payoff Schedule

Nifty50 @ Expiry Net Payoff (₹)






















Payoff chart

Impact of Greeks:

The Gamma is at the highest at long call strike, when the price begins to rise, the gamma starts to shrink and reaches its lowest point at the 3rd strike. Thus, the spread is Gamma negative.
