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Put/Call Option Chainโ€‹

API to retrieve put/call option chain for an underlying symbol for a specific expiry date.


The Put/Call Option chain is currently not available for the MCX Exchange.

Header Parametersโ€‹

AuthorizationtruestringRequires the format Bearer access_token where access_token is obtained from the Token API.
AccepttruestringDefines the content format the client expects, which should be set to application/json.

Query Parametersโ€‹

instrument_keytruestringKey of an underlying symbol. For the regex pattern applicable to this field, see the Field Pattern Appendix.
expiry_datetruestringExpiry date in format: YYYY-MM-DD.

Response Bodyโ€‹

"status": "success",
"data": [
"expiry": "2025-02-13",
"pcr": 7515.3,
"strike_price": 21100,
"underlying_key": "NSE_INDEX|Nifty 50",
"underlying_spot_price": 22976.2,
"call_options": {
"instrument_key": "NSE_FO|51059",
"market_data": {
"ltp": 2449.9,
"volume": 0,
"oi": 750,
"close_price": 2449.9,
"bid_price": 1856.65,
"bid_qty": 1125,
"ask_price": 1941.65,
"ask_qty": 1125,
"prev_oi": 1500
"option_greeks": {
"vega": 4.1731,
"theta": -472.8941,
"gamma": 0.0001,
"delta": 0.743,
"iv": 262.31,
"pop": 40.56
"put_options": {
"instrument_key": "NSE_FO|51060",
"market_data": {
"ltp": 0.3,
"volume": 22315725,
"oi": 5636475,
"close_price": 0.35,
"bid_price": 0.3,
"bid_qty": 1979400,
"ask_price": 0.35,
"ask_qty": 2152500,
"prev_oi": 5797500
"option_greeks": {
"vega": 0.0568,
"theta": -1.2461,
"gamma": 0,
"delta": -0.0013,
"iv": 50.78,
"pop": 0.15
statusstringA string indicating the outcome of the request. Typically success for successful operations.
dataobjectData object for put/call option chain.
data[].expirystringExpiry date (for derivatives). Date format is YYYY-MM-dd.
data[].pcrnumberPut Call Ratio.
data[].strike_pricenumberThe strike price for the option.
data[].underlying_keystringThe instrument_key for the underlying asset.
data[].underlying_spot_pricenumberThe spot price for the underlying asset.
data[].call_optionsobjectData object for call options
data[].call_options.instrument_keystringThe unique identifier used across Upstox APIs for instrument identification. For the regex pattern applicable to this field, see the Field Pattern Appendix.
data[].call_options.market_dataobjectCall option market data
data[].call_options.option_greeksobjectCall option greeks
data[].put_optionsobjectData object for call options
data[].put_options.instrument_keystringThe unique identifier used across Upstox APIs for instrument identification. For the regex pattern applicable to this field, see the Field Pattern Appendix.
data[].put_options.market_dataobjectPut option market data
data[].put_options.option_greeksobjectPut option greeks

Option Market Dataโ€‹

market_data.ltpnumberLast traded price.
market_data.close_pricenumberClosed price.
market_data.volumenumberThe total amount of the asset that was traded during the timeframe.
market_data.oinumberOpen interest.
market_data.bid_pricenumberBid price.
market_data.bid_qtynumberBid quantity.
market_data.ask_pricenumberAsk price.
market_data.ask_qtynumberAsk quantity.
market_data.prev_oinumberPrevious Open interest.

Option Greek Dataโ€‹

option_greeks.veganumberRate of change of premium based on change in volatility.
option_greeks.thetanumberMeasures the impact on premium based on time left for expiry.
option_greeks.gammanumberRate of change of delta itself.
option_greeks.deltanumberMeasures the rate of change of options premium based on the directional movement of the underlying.
option_greeks.ivnumberImplied Volatality.
option_greeks.popnumberProbability of Profit


A comprehensive set of examples is provided to illustrate various use cases and implementation scenarios for this API. To view detailed examples and access sample code, please refer to: API Examples.
