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Login flow

Upstox uses standard OAuth 2.0 for customer authentication and login.

All logins are handled by There is no public endpoint for other applications to directly log the customer into their For security and compliance purposes, all logins and logouts are handled exclusively by

Perform Authentication

The login window is a web page hosted at the following link.

Your client application must trigger the opening of the above URL using Webview (or similar technology) and pass the following parameters:

client_idThe API key obtained during the app generation process.
redirect_uriThe URL to which the user will be redirected post authentication; must match the URL provided during app generation.
stateAn optional parameter. If specified, will be returned after authentication, allowing for state continuity between request and callback.
response_typeThis value must always be code.

URL construction:<Your-API-Key-Here>&redirect_uri=<Your-Redirect-URI-Here>&state=<Your-Optional-State-Parameter-Here>

Sample URL:

In OAuth, client_id means API Key (not customer UCC) and client_secret means API Secret.


If you encounter an Invalid Credentials error, it likely stems from inconsistencies in the request parameters (client_id, redirect_uri, and response_type) compared to the information registered during app creation. Ensure you verify these parameters and correct any discrepancies before making another attempt.

The user will be redirected to the default login page where they will be able to log in.

Login page


You also have the option to select TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) as a more secure method for 2FA, compared to the usual SMS OTP, for a safer login. Learn more about activating TOTP on your Upstox account here.

Receive Auth Code

Upon successful authentication, this API will redirect to the URL specified in the redirect_url parameter, with the code essential for the token generation included within the request parameters.

codeUtilize this code to generate the access_token as part of the next step.
stateProvided optionally if it was initially included in the request URL parameters.

Generate Access Token

Once the user has authenticated with us, they will be redirected to your redirect URL with an authorization code. The parameter will come as code (query parameter).


The authorization code is valid for a single use, regardless of whether the access token generation succeeds or encounters an issue.

The last step is to make a server-to-server call between your backend server and Upstox to get an access_token using the authorization code. This can be done by calling the following service:

You will need to pass the following parameters:

codeThe code is a unique parameter included in the URL upon a successful Authorize API authentication.
client_idThe API key obtained during the app generation process.
client_secretThe API secret obtained during the app generation process. This private key remains confidential, known only to the application and the authorization server.
redirect_uriThe URL provided during app generation.
grant_typeThis value must always be authorization_code.

URL construction:

curl -X 'POST' '' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'code=<Your-Auth-Code-Here>&client_id=<Your-API-Key-Here>&client_secret=<Your-API-Secret-Here>&redirect_uri=<Your-Redirect-URI-Here>&grant_type=authorization_code'

Finally this will return an access token for you. This access token can be successfully passed back to your front-end application to access the Upstox API.

Extended Token

Upstox APIs now support the generation of an extended token in addition to the standard access token.

An extended token is designed for long-term use, primarily for read-only API calls. It remains valid for one year from the date it is generated, or until the user revokes access to their account from, whichever occurs first. This token allows access to specific user trade data. Below is a list of APIs that can be utilized with the extended token:

Supported APIs

Enroll for Extended Token

Extended tokens are available for multi-client applications upon request. If your app requires an extended token, please reach out to our support team for enrollment and further assistance.