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CSV Instruments File Deprecation Notice

Effective Immediately

We are announcing the upcoming deprecation of the CSV format for our instruments file. This move is aimed at enhancing performance and scalability through the JSON format.

What's Changing?

  • Deprecation of CSV Format: The CSV version of the instruments file will soon be discontinued. We urge all users to transition to the JSON version to avoid any disruption in service.
  • Begin Transition to JSON: Start updating your systems to utilize the JSON format for instruments files. This format offers enhanced performance and scalability, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience.

  • Deprecation Date Announcement: The specific date for the CSV format deprecation will be communicated shortly. We are providing this advance notice to allow ample time for planning and transition.

Support and Queries

For any questions or additional support regarding this deprecation, please visit our developer community at Our team is ready to assist you in making this transition as smooth as possible.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and your ongoing cooperation.