September 13, 2024

Largest libraries in the world

Let’s have a look at some of the largest libraries in the world. 

Country: UK
Number of items: 170-200 million

British Library

Country: United States
Number of items: 170 million+

Library of Congress

Country: Russia
Number of items: 126.1 million+

Russian State Library

Country: China
Number of items: 58 million+

Shanghai Library

Image: Wikipedia

Country: United States
Number of items: 55 million+

New York Public Library

Country: China
Number of items: 44.2 million+

National Library of China

Country: Japan
Number of items: 44.1 million+

National Diet Library

Country: Germany
Number of items: 43.7 million+

German National Library

Country: Denmark
Number of items: 42.5 million+

Royal Danish Library

Bibliothèque nationale de France

Country: France
Number of items: 41.6 million+

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