SEPTEMBER 19, 2024

After Moon and Mars, India eyes Venus!

India’s space ambitions go beyond the Moon and Mars. The next stop is Venus, the brightest planet in the sky!

Venus: India’s new frontier
After successfully reaching Mars and the Moon, ISRO now focuses on Venus, aiming to unlock the mysteries of this planet.

Why Venus?
Venus is often called Earth’s twin. Despite its extreme conditions, studying it can provide key insights into the planet's evolution and climate change.

Shukrayaan-1 Venus mission
India’s Venus Orbiter Mission will study the planet's atmosphere, surface, and geological features. It’s set to launch in March 2028.

Mission goals
The primary objectives include studying Venus' thick atmosphere, volcanic activity, and its solar winds, which are crucial for understanding the dynamics of the planet.

Project cost
The total approved budget for Shukrayaan-1 is ₹1,236 crore, with ₹824 crore for spacecraft development.

The bigger picture
By exploring Venus, India pushes its frontiers in space exploration, contributing to the global understanding of our solar system.

India’s space odyssey continues
From Mars to Venus, India’s journey to explore the universe is unstoppable. With each mission, ISRO sets new benchmarks in space science.

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