9 ancient trade routes that shaped history

february 28, 2025

Image: Shutterstock

Ancient trade routes connected empires and cultures, sparking innovations and shaping history. Here are nine trade routes at the centre of ancient commerce.

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Developed around 2700 BC, this 6,400 km route connected China to the Roman Empire. It was not just a trade network but a melting pot of cultures and ideas.

Silk Road

Image: wikipedia.org/ public domain

Built to transport frankincense and myrrh, the 2,000 km route stretched from Mediterranean ports to Egypt, Arabia and India. It flourished from 300 BC to 200 AD.

Incense Route

Image: Pixabay

Constructed under the command of King Darius I in the 5th century BC, this 2,400 km route facilitated communications and transport across ancient Persia.

Royal Road

Image: wikipedia.org/ public domain

Stretching across 15,000 km from the West coast of Japan to Europe, these maritime routes facilitated the trade of spices like cinnamon as early as 2000 BC. 

Spice Routes

Image: encyclopedie-environnement.org/ public domain

A network of routes used to transport amber from the Baltic region to the Mediterranean, with evidence suggesting its existence as early as 3000 BC.

Amber road

Image: Pixabay

This 9,600 km trade route, which stretched from China to India via Tibet, facilitated the direct trade of tea for horses during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD).

Image: wikipedia.org/ Ralph Repo

Tea Horse Road

Caravans with over a thousand camels carried goods across the Sahara Desert around 400 BC. The route was also used for the slave trade.

Trans-Saharan Trade Route

Image: Shutterstock

The oldest salt trade route dates back to the Bronze Age (2000 BC). The Roman Via Salaria from Ostia to Italy is among the most famous.

Salt Routes 

Image: Pexels

This route developed in 3200 BC during the bronze age when tin, probably from Turkey, made its way via land and sea to Cyprus. 

Tin Route

Image: Shutterstock

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