August 20, 2024

5 most livable cities in the world

Global Liveability Index

The Global Liveability Index published by the Economist Intelligence Unit evaluates 173 cities using 30 indicators divided into categories such as stability, culture, etc.


The capital city of Austria ranks first on the list for the third consecutive year. With over 2 million people, the world’s music capital was home to Mozart, Beethoven and Sigmund Freud.


Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark, ranks second on the list. Home to over 1.4 million people, the city is one of the financial centres of northern Europe with the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.


The largest city in Switzerland ranks third on the list. A third of the city’s wealth and a quarter of its jobs are generated by the finance sector. The city boasts a population of 1.83 million.


Tied in the fifth spot with Geneva is Calgary, home to over 1.6 million people. Recognised as a global centre for energy transition, the city is also called the Energy City. 


Geneva, the second-most populous city in Switzerland, also ranks fifth on the list. Known as the Peace Capital, the city is where the Red Cross was founded. The European headquarters of the UN is also located here.

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