September 5, 2024

10 oldest stock exchanges in the world

The history of stock exchanges as we know them today dates back to the 17th century in Europe. Here is a list of the oldest bourses in the world.

Established in 1602

Amsterdam Stock Exchange (Euronext Amsterdam)

Established in 1724

Paris Bourse (Euronext Paris)

Established in 1790

Philadelphia Stock Exchange

Established in 1792

New York Stock Exchange

Established in 1801

London Stock Exchange

Established in 1808

Milan Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana)

Image: Borsa Italiana

Established in 1808

Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Börse Frankfurt)

Established in 1831

Madrid Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Madrid)

Image: bolsas y mercados

Established in 1861

Toronto Stock Exchange

Established in 1861

Bombay Stock Exchange

Top 10 stock exchanges in the world

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