
Top 10 exporters in the world


march 20, 2025

Images: Shutterstock, Pexles
Data: World Bank, OEC


In 2023, world exports stood at approximately $30.5 trillion. Top exports for the year were refined petroleum, packaged medicines and diamonds.


Here is a list of the top 10 exporting countries in the world in 2023!


Export value: $773.18 billion
Top exports: Refined petroleum, packaged medicines 

10. India

Export value: $777.59 billion
Top exports: Packaged medicines, cars

9. Italy

Export value: $873.99 billion 
Top exports: Integrated Circuits, refined petroleum

8. Singapore

Export value: $920.74 billion
Top exports: Cars, integrated circuits

7. Japan 

Export value: $1,022.04 billion
Top exports: Refined petroleum, vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and culture

6. Netherlands

Export value: $1,049.66 billion
Top exports: Planes and helicopters, cars

5. France

Export value: $1,070.67 billion
Top exports: Cars, gold

4. UK

Export value: $1,960.05 billion
Top exports: Motor vehicles, packaged medicines 

3. Germany

Export value: $3,071.81 billion 
Top exports: Crude, refined petroleum and petroleum gas, gas turbines

2. USA

Export value:$3,511.25 billion
Top exports: Broadcasting equipments, computers

1. China

India's top 10 import partners

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