10 most educated countries in the world

february 20, 2025

Images: Shutterstock, Pexels
Data: World Population Review, OECD 

OECD has ranked countries by the percentage of their population (aged 25-64) that has completed tertiary education (diploma, degree or doctorate).

Here is a list of the most educated countries in terms of tertiary education as of 2022!

7. Sweden*

Population with tertiary education: 49%

*While the list includes 10 nations, rank 5 is shared by four.

6. USA

Population with tertiary education: 50%

5. Luxembourg*

*shares rank with 3 others

Population with tertiary education: 51%

5. Israel

Population with tertiary education: 51%

5. Australia

Population with tertiary education: 51%

5. UK

Population with tertiary education: 51%

4. South Korea

Population with tertiary education: 53%

3. Ireland

Population with tertiary education: 54%

2. Japan 

Population with tertiary education: 56%

1. Canada 

Population with tertiary education: 63%

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