If you wish to transfer shares from your other CDSL/NSDL Demat Account to Upstox Demat Account, you will need to submit a DIS (delivery instruction slip) to your existing broker. It must be duly filled out and signed by all account holders. 

Details to be furnished in the Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS):

Depository: CDSL


Demat Id: ______________ (12081800 / 12081801)  

Demat Account number (8 digit number): ___________ (Click here to know how to check your DP Account number)

Client/Beneficiary ID (16 digit number): _____________ (Combination of Demat ID and Demat Account number)

Security details: Scrip name, ISIN, and Quantity.

If your broker requests a Client Master Report (CMR), please refer the following link.

what is cmr and how to request for a cmr

Note: Transfer of shares takes a minimum of 24 hours to be completed.

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